Development as a Professional Educator

 CSTP Progress






My goal, as stated by my initial CSTP, was “by the end of the year, I will have increased my use of assessments at least once per unit, using the recorded results to adjust instruction to facilitate student growth.” I feel that I have achieved this goal. I have increase my use of purposeful assessments to adjust instruction. I feel that I have grown stronger in “Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning.” I have a better sense in the 5E model for scientific inquiry, and the use of Constructive Meaning in the classroom. I also feel I have gotten better at “Assessing Students for Learning.” However, opportunities for continuous improvement can be found in “Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning,” and “Creating and Maintaining Effective Learning Environments.” I would like to get better at connecting the content to student’s prior knowledge. I would also like to get better at promoting social development, responsibility, and community. Finally, I have surprised myself by the new facets and sides to teaching that I have discovered in my second year. I hope to discover more about teaching for years to come.







 Professional Goal

I have a few professional goals. First, I would like to partake in coaching cycles, at least 1 per semester. I was fortunate enough to have a teaching coach that facilitated great and unique coaching cycles this year (one quarter long cycle and a department cycle). My next step would be to schedule a traditional coaching cycle, ideally on GRR and CM, so I can continue my professional growth in these two areas.  Second would be to get more involved in my site. I am lucky to be in a department with individuals who wear many different hats during the school year. So a goal of mine would be to paticipate in more clubs or take on more site responsibilities to live up to the example my colleagues have set. Finally, I hope to one day be in a position where I can pay forward the lessons I learned in my early years in the profession to the teachers to come after me. 

Connected Educator

In order to stay a connected educator, I would like to continue to use the resources present to ensure variety in my lesson plans and strategies. Doing things like asking other teachers for tasks that worked for them. Observing other classrooms from my subject and other subjects for best practices and ideas. Using websites and Youtube to seek out lesson plans from teachers across the nation. And using new tech when I can. 

Sustain the Energy

In order to sustain the energy it takes to be passionate about students, teaching, and learning, I will be positive, proactive, and pragmatic. I'll be positive by focusing on the small successcess, especially from unwise decisions or unwise students. Because mistakes are often the best ways to learn. I will be proactive by focusing on what I can change, instead of what I can't.  Such as changes in schedules, lab limitations, or other unexpected challenges. Finally, I'll be pragmatic by trying to be better  atspreading out certain tasks instead of trying to do it all immediately. This will allow me to give more attention to my responsibilities, in and outside of work. Ideally, these three P's would help me set me on a more balanced path.

Quote from my Reflective Coach

"Mr.Carrillo exudes professionalism in SO many ways. To name a few, Mr. Carrillo:  

  • prepares for lessons with great detail
  • regularly and objectively evaluates the outcomes of his students, putting his personal feelings aside 
    • reflects on said outcomes to adjust his academic and social-emotional approach when necessary  
  • anticipates a need for support BEFORE challenges become overwhelming and disheartening  
  • engages wholeheartedly in professional development and sharing
  • publicly acknowledges the support of his colleagues
  • celebrates the success of his students
Additionally, he is constantly stepping up beyond the classroom to serve. He serves on the sunshine committee, offered advice for Year 1 New Teachers, actively participates in the Science 8 PLC, teaches on Saturdays, and helps with after school tutoring."
-Samantha Benish (Reflective Coach and Awesome Person)

My Advice to New Teachers

My first piece of advice for a new teacher is to use whatever stress your feeling to your advantange. Use it to fuel you, to motivate you. Turn a negative into a positive and remember: The only person you have to impress is yourself. They say you are a your own hardest critic, so strive to impress that critic. My second piece of advice, and only told to me a lot, is to keep a growth mindset. Keep looking for ways to improve, or adapt, or modify your classroom. Because the only way you'll stop moving forwards is by standing still. My last piece of advice is to take advantage of your surroundings and "steal" as much as you can from your coworkers. Ask, observe, borrow, copy.  Remember that there is no better place to learn than a buiding full of teachers.